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foreign bodies in orbit中文是什么意思

用"foreign bodies in orbit"造句"foreign bodies in orbit"怎么读"foreign bodies in orbit" in a sentence


  • 眶内异物


  • Results after following up for 6 months to 2 years , 9 of 13 patients with chronic dacryocystitis were cured , while 3 were free of symptoms ; all 12 patients with fronto - ethmoidal sinus mucoceles were cured ; 2 of 3 traumatic optic neuropathy patients got improved after optic decompression ; one patient with foreign body in orbit was not cured ; and one patient with nasal - sinus - orbit tumour was cured
    结果经6个月至2年的随访,慢性泪囊炎13例,治愈9例,好转3例,无效1例;鼻窦囊肿12例均治愈;外伤性视神经损伤3例, 2例好转;眶尖异物1例,术中未能取出异物;鼻腔筛窦眼眶肿瘤1例治愈。
用"foreign bodies in orbit"造句  
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